PROJECT DIMENSIONS (PDI) has the experienced staff to act as the owner's representative to guide a project through the design and approval process.
CONSULTANT / DESIGN TEAM SELECTION - Assist the Client as needed to identify, solicit, select and contract with the best suited consultant / design team necessary to facilitate the project.
SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT - Provide the Client with a single point of contact to streamline the flow of communication. The single point of contact will be available to address public inquiries and requests for information and will serve as a clearinghouse for all project information.
DESIGN TEAM MANAGEMENT - Coordinate with and oversee various disciplines necessary to design and entitle the project, including engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, and specialty consultants.
DESIGN REVIEW - Monitor performance of the design consultant team throughout the process of schematic design, design development and construction documents. Review progress submittals to provide quality assurance / quality control for the project.
MASTER PROJECT SCHEDULE - Develop a Master Strategic Implementation Plan Schedule that will be based on anticipated design and construction schedules, integrate agency reviews, and coordinate approvals or other actions required by the agencies. This schedule will be used as a management tool to ensure the project will be coordinated effectively. The Master Schedule will include coordination of consultant tasks, required agency approvals and permits. The Master Schedule will be updated regularly as changes or other modifications affect the schedule.
MASTER PROJECT BUDGET - Prepare a project budget including all major work elements. Establish and implement cost estimating, monitoring and control procedures. Provide budgetary reports to Client as needed with cash flow projections.
DOCUMENT CONTROL - Maintain relevant records, documents, plans, exhibits, minutes, and correspondence.
AGENCY COORDINATION - Identify all governmental agencies having jurisdictional authority over the project. Coordinate with agencies to identify processing requirements and facilitate obtaining the necessary project related approvals.
CONTRACT MANAGEMENT / ADMINISTRATION - Identify and facilitate the preparation of required consultant agreements for the design, entitlements and approvals of the project. Review, track and monitor consultant contracts, application for payments, invoices, requests for changes and change orders, as necessary. Provide performance oversight of the Consultant Team regarding schedules, budgets and quality performance, while ensuring the Client’s satisfaction with the project.
PAYMENT PROCESSING - Track and monitor consultant and contractor application for payment, evaluate invoices for accuracy and percentage of work completed in accordance with each contract.
CONSULTANT COORDINATION - Manage the consultant team by facilitating and coordinating technical aspects of the project, including architecture, engineering, environmental, etc.
STAKEHOLDER COORDINATION / PUBLIC OUTREACH - Coordinate with project stakeholders, the general public and special interest groups as needed to facilitate on-going project information via public meetings, newsletters, social media and / or project website.
PROGRESS REPORTS - Prepare and make available project scheduling, design progress updates and progress reports.
COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Identify stakeholders and facilitate the dissemination of project related information to community groups, homeowner and / or merchant associations as needed to obtain local support of the project proposal.